The water that comes from a washing machine drain is referred to as grey water. Whether it is the wastewater from your washing machine, dishwasher, or kitchen sink, it is collectively referred to as grey water. Is It Illegal To Drain Washing Machine Outside?

Since it is a mixture of detergents, dirt, and grime, in most cases, it may not be considered safe for us or our environment. This leads to the question, Is it illegal to drain washing machines outside? 

For starters, there is no direct answer to this. It depends on what part of the United States you live in and the local laws in that state. It is considered illegal to drain a washing machine outside or directly to the ground in most cases.  

Whereas in some cases, there are designated areas where you are allowed to drain the washing machine outside with no legal restrictions. Such states include California, where you can run the washing machine drain outside as long as you meet specific requirements set by the local bodies. 

Continue reading to find out more Is it illegal to drain washing machines outside?  and see if it is legal or illegal in some of the major states of the United States. 

Is It Illegal To Drain Washing Machine Outside In Michigan?

If you’re specifically intending to drain the washing machine that is used for washing your clothes, then it is considered legal in the state of Michigan. As long as the safety is considered, it depends on the source of the grey water.

If it comes from a washing machine that is used for washing clothes, it is considered safe and can directly be drained into your yard. Whereas if the drain water comes from a dishwasher, it is deemed to be hazardous and should not be drained into your yard.

Is It Illegal To Drain Washing Machine Outside In Florida?

It is conditionally legal when it comes to draining washing machines outside in Florida. If you intend to drain the water for subsurface irrigation of your yard, it is considered illegal despite the water being from a washing machine used for washing clothes only.

In contrast, the only case it is deemed to be legal is if you want to use it for the purpose of flushing in toilets and urinals. However, the discharge has to go through the designated sanitary drainage system beforehand. 

Is It Illegal To Drain Washing Machine Outside In Georgia?

If the discharge from the washing machine drain is to the lines run through the grey water recycling system, it is considered legal. Compared to Florida, Georgia allows the use of treated grey water for subsurface irrigation along with using it for flushing toilets and urinals. 

However, the same rule of avoiding the water from a dishwasher applies here. It must be followed if you want to avoid legal charges.

Is It Illegal To Drain Washing Machine Outside In Texas?

Texas has relatively friendlier laws and allows you to drain the washing machine outside. In fact, there is no permit required if you have a grey water treatment installed and your drain water does not exceed 400 gallons a day. 

You can drain it outside for agricultural practices and water your lawn safely. In fact, if you use it on your lawn, it will appear greener and healthier. Despite the grey water appearing dirty, it serves as an essential fertilizer for your plants and the lawn –thus giving it a nutrient boost.

However, if your water exceeds the allowed limit of 400 gallons a day, it then becomes illegal, and you might be in trouble. At that point, you will be required to get a permit to be able to discharge more than 400 gallons of grey water a day.  

Is It Illegal To Drain Washing Machine Outside In Alabama?

In Alabama, if your house has a designated and pre-installed grey water line, it is considered legal to drain the washing machine outside. In the same way, you can directly dump it onto the ground.

The only thing that you need to take care of is that the drain water stays on your property and does not spread outside. 

Is It Illegal To Drain Washing Machine Outside In California?

California is one of those states that have friendlier laws and allows the use of grey water everywhere. It is absolutely legal to drain a washing machine outside in California. However, your washing machine system must meet the following requirements for it to be considered legal.

  • Your system must have a three-way valve. It is to allow connectivity between the sewer and septic lines. 
  • The water must go through your yard and be used explicitly for irrigation and agricultural practices.
  • The water must stay on your own property –thus ensuring proper flow back to the system. 
  • The water must not have hazardous chemicals. 

Is It Illegal To Drain Washing Machine Outside In Missouri?

In the state of Is it illegal to drain washing machines outside? , it is a violation and considered illegal to drain a washing machine outside. Contrary to the other states, you should strictly avoid draining the washing machine outside. 

The only case where you can drain a washing machine outside is if you are installing a new system. Thus, in temporary circumstances, you can drain the washing machine outside. Other than that, you will have to face legal repercussions. 

Is It Illegal To Drain Washing Machine Outside (1)

Is It Illegal To Drain Washing Machine Outside in the UK?

Comparatively to the United States, where some states allow washing machine drain outside, it is not the same for the UK. In the United Kingdom, if you intend to drain the washing machine outside, it is considered illegal. 

Your washing machine drain is only supposed to be connected to the designated sewage lines. It is considered illegal if it is connected to the wrong lines such as the storm or rainwater drain. In that case, you will be contributing to a global environmental cause and will be damaging your surroundings.

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